Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cleanse and protect the liver with these nutritious whole foods

According to the Canadian Liver Foundation, the liver performs more than 500 different functions in the body on a day-to-day basis. It helps filter chemicals such as drugs and alcohol from our blood, regulate our hormones and blood sugar levels, manufacture blood proteins, bile and enzymes, and much more.(1) In fact, there are few biological operations that the liver doesn't aid to some extent. Unfortunately, toxic livers are on the rise in the West due to our love of processed foods, which has placed enormous strain on our livers. These unhealthy meals compromise the liver's ability to process toxins and fat, which, in turn, increases our body's susceptibility to illness and disease over time. For this reason, it is important that we favor a diet that is rich in organic whole foods to maintain healthy liver function.


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